Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:


Electric Guitar (clean]

Electric Bass (finger]


Electric Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Keyboard1 (Strings)
Synth Bass 2

Keyboard2 (Piano)
Bright Acoustic Piano

Keyboard 3 (Voice-Sample/Noise)
Pad 3 (polysynth]
In these times, in this age In a real bad phase Do you rea_ lly be_ lieve I wan na be a_ wake? On a ship, not de_ ployed, in an un_ chart_ ed void I feel use_ less and an_ noyed Steps e_ qual emp_ ti_ ness O_ range e_ quals sad_ ness Old man e_ quals litt_ le boy Wo_ man e_ quals mad_ ness You are so_ lar I am po_ lar You are the earth And I am the moon Of an au_ tumn that came too soon On a tree, on a sea Hol_ ding on for dear me There?s a light that could shine on the shore There?s a gar_ den that?s kept Where they say Je_ sus wept Where the gods grow tall with the gore Steps e_ qual emp_ ti_ ness O_ range e_ quals sad_ ness Old man e_ quals li_ ttle boy Wo_ man e_ quals mad_ ness You are so_ lar I am po_ lar You are the earth And I am the moon Of an au_ tumn that came too soon